What is the price of a laser cutting machine? Many clients want to know price of the laser cutting machine, then
let me to tell you the price and how to choose a right laser cutting machine.
Firstly, you should know what is your max working area, AOL laser has any models as long as the client requests,
but our normal models are AOL5030, AOL4060, AOL6090, AOL1390, AOL1610, AOL1325, AOL1525, AOL2030
and so on, the model is classified by the working area, for example, the AOL1390 is 1300*900mm.
Secondly, if you want to know the laser cutting machine prices, you also should know what is the max thickness,
so that we can advise you the right laser tube, the laser tubes of AOL Laser are 40W, 60w, 80W, 100w, 130W,
150W and so on. For example, the 40W is mainly for engraving, it only can cut on 2-3mm acrylic, but the 150W
can cut on nearly 30mm acrylic.
Thirdly, we can quote the laser cutting machine prices after knowing whether you need to engrave on cylinder,
like the bottle, cup, pen and so on, if yes, you also need to select the up&down working table and rotary clamp.
AOL laser has the rotary clamp of diameter are 80mm, 100mm, 150mm, 200mm.
After telling us the above mainly three points, we will give you the laser cutting machine prices immediately.
AOL laser wishes you a happy shopping. welcome to www.aollaser.net.